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The base of this knotwork is Fimo Soft Metallic Silver. The
knotwork is a combination of Premo! Translucent with turquoise and
purple mixed until a soft marble is acheived. After gluing to a piece
of gray velour, I embroidered a base of large matte beads around the
edge. Then I worked peyote on top to come up and over the edges. This
example is not so well done as I would have liked... the threads show
too much!
The next step is to glue a sheet of stiff plastic to the back in order to support the beadwork, then a backing of more gray velour. Finally, I will add a finishing row of beads to bind the edge of the fabric. I may add some danglies with more interesting beads, then finish as either a necklace or a pin. |
I've added the backing and the final row of finishing beads. I haven't yet decided if I want a danglie... still thinking about it. | |
I decided to back it with black velour. Then I made my own hanging bead for the back using a mold of an old button accented with silver pulver (fimo metalic powder). | |
Here is the finished peice. I lost patience with it and decided not to add anything but the beaded necklace. |
this page last updated July 15, 2001.