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by Yvan
written while on retreat near Silver Falls, OR, May 2001


Quiet. I drive in silence, have a "silent" computer, rarely listen to music while I work. I value quiet.

But quiet does not always mean a soul which is still... "...still and quiet is my soul, O Lord, like a child with its mother..." but often the quiet surroundings are filled with inner clamour... a soul which will not be quieted.

Have I forgotten the trust... misplaced the confidence... laid aside any hope... and therefore buried myself under anxiety and fear? There is no quiet, no sanctuary, from the turmoil aside from You, Lord.

Up here in the mountains, there is a different kind of silence, it is filled with sweet sounds of birds, insects, water and air. So rich and powerful is this "silence" that even the occasional intrusioin of a motor or car cannot overpower its peace.

I want to be like the "silence" of nature: filled with the richness of God's grace, peacefully confident in God's love, so that the intrusions of the world cannot overpower my Quiet Place.

Lord, may it be so.

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