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"Translucent Experiments"

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Antique Gold Pearl-Ex inclusion All my samples used reguler (unbleached) Primo translucent, about an ounce for each experiment. All Pearl-Ex powder inclusions were approximately 1/16th of a teaspoon. This sample uses Pearl-Ex Antique Gold. After baking I painted gold Genesis oil paint over it, set it with a heat gun, and then sanded using 600, 800, and finally 2000 grit sandpaper. I buffed all these pieces with my Tim Allen rotory tool (like a Dremel) with a muslin wheel I purchased at a rock and gem shop.

The reason I skipped from 800 grit to 2000 grit is because I've been unable to find any 1000 grit. I just happened to find some 2000 somewhere.

Blue Sculpey III inclusion This sample has some crushed, cured Sculpey III blue mixed in. Some bits are larger because I first tried crushing the clay with a pair of pliers, but it was too hard on my hand! I added a bit of the coarser pieces before I used a palm-sized rock and a small cast-iron frying pan as my "mortar and pestle" to grind the bits of cured clay into powder.
Green-Blue Duo Pearl-Ex inclusion Green-Blue Duo Pearl-Ex is added to this sample which was simply sanded and buffed.
Green-Yellow Duo Pearl-Ex inclusion I added Green-Yellow Duo Pearl-Ex to this sample, then sanded and buffed. This one especially has the most lovely depth of mica shift! It fairly glows!!
Faber-Eberhard Pulper Pulver inclusion Here I added Faber-Eberhard Purple Pulver powder to the clay, then "antiqued" it with a mixture of Genesis gold and crimson paint. Then sanded and buffed.
Colored Sand inclusion These leaves are made of a faux jade clay. I had mixed the clay at one of my polymer clay guild meetings after we watched a video. It uses colored craft sand as the inclusion. This particular one has green and purple sand. The smaller leaf is antiqued with gold Genesis oil paint. Then they were sanded and buffed.


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this page last updated June 5, 2003.