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Prayer is a Feast

Prayer is a feast.
Food for the famished heart,
sumptuous banquet of thoughts,
feelings and love.

Prayer is a resting place
where my weary, world-worn soul
can lean upon the breast of God,
breathing deep His peace.

Prayer is an ocean
deeper and wider than myself.
To plunge into its depths,
Sea-Creature that I am,
is to fly salt currents
like dolphins racing,
leaping for joy!

Prayer is a walled city.
Into it I run,
torn and bruised,
defeated by the Enemy.
Cleansed, salved wounds are bound.
Enveloped in Strong Arms,
I am safe.

Prayer is communion.
I drink from the Cup,
eat from the Loaf
of Sacrifice.
His blood and body mine,
My pain and sin His
His grace and glory
exchanged for my wretched poverty,
a fair trade in His eyes.

Prayer is a golden box.
Lifted lid reveals truth
in kingly robes
and servant's humility.
God gives to me

His riches.


©1998 by Yvan

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